Storytelling for better outcomes in dentistry|Oralpathology360|DentistrySpecial
This session can be summarized by answering three questions.
Why Public Speaking? Why Storytelling? How Storytelling?
Q1 Why Public Speaking?
A1 Because public speaking—amplified by video dissemination—will be more important tomorrow than it is today. Because there is a “Talk Renaissance” going on right now.
Q2 Why Storytelling?
A2 Because stories make us care. Because stories motivate us to act. Because storytelling facilitates large-scale professional, social, and societal collaboration.
Review these three TED talks to better appreciate “Why Storytelling?”
1. Andrew Stanton: The clues to a great story.
2. Steve Denning: Leadership storytelling.
3. Greg Power: The power of story.
Q3 How Storytelling?
A3 Stories have structure and guidelines. Stories should be minimalist—especially in the professional and business worlds. Stories must be used to make points memorable and actionable. Stories must have a conflict and a resolution.
Here is some content to set you off on your journey of excellence in story telling:
Review these three TED talks to better learn “How Storytelling?”
1. Nancy Duarte. The secret structure of great talks.
2. Kurt Vonnegut. The shapes of stories.
3. Dave Lieber. The dog of my nightmares.
A question on QUORA. “How does one become a good storyteller?”
Rashid N. Kapadia’s answer:
Watch more videos by Rashid:
Connect with Rashid
00:00 — Host Introduction
48:00 — Speaker Introduction
02:32 — Why Public Speaking?
05:50 — Why Storytelling?
07:45 — How Storytelling?
12:35 — Structure and Shape of Stories. Kurt Vonnegut Video
17:10 — Demonstration. Tightening up Mandana ’s story
25:48 — Summary
29:45 — Q&A
38:58 — Closing statement