Liquid Biopsy – Current Trends and Future Perspective|Updates|OralPathology360

June 9, 2021

LIQUID BIOPSY has emerged as a novel non-invasive tool in detecting and monitoring cancer in several body fluids instead of tumor tissue. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs), circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), RNA (mRNA and microRNA), microvesicles, including exosomes and tumor “educated platelets,” were recently identified as a source of genomic information in cancer patients which could reflect all subclones present in primary and metastatic lesions allowing sequential monitoring of disease evolution and help in treatment planning.
Watch this video for an overview of #LiquidBiopsy, its effectiveness in overcoming the limitations of assessing a tumor’s molecular profile from a tissue biopsy. For example, as a single snapshot in time, tissue biopsy is subject to spatial selection bias owing to tumor heterogeneity, a shortcoming that is effectively overcome by liquid biopsy.

GUEST SPEAKER: Dr. Sangeeta Palaskar
Prof and Head – Dept of Oral Pathology and Microbiology
Sinhgad Dental College and Hospital, Pune.

MODERATOR: Dr.Kiran Kumar
Designation: Professor, Dept. of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, SDM College of Dental Sciences

EXPERT: Dr. Kalpana Joshi
Prof and Head -Dept of Biotechnology
Sinhgad Institutes College of Engineering -Pune

0:00 – 4:07 Starting soon video
4:07- 11:56 greetings & Introdcutions
11:56 – 1:01:01 lecture
1:01:01 – 1:20:1 Q & A – discussion
1:20:01 Thanks and farewell