Town Hall- 3
Oral Pathology 360- YouTube ChannelWhat are we about? What is new? What is the bigger picture? And answers to any questions you have.OP 360 town hall meeting is all about...
Tumour Micro-Environment And Head And Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas
Oral Pathology 360- YouTube ChannelTime converter at worldtimebuddy.comTime converter at worldtimebuddy.comwindow.init() About the lecture: TME- KNOWN TO UNKNOWN FACTS!!!Discover the fascinating world of tumour microenvironment (TME) and how it affects...
WHO 2022: Tumours of the Oral Cavity and Mobile Tongue
Oral Pathology 360- YouTube ChannelPresented by:Professor Wanninayake M Tilakaratne FEES: Complimentary Date + Time: Time converter at worldtimebuddy.comTime converter at worldtimebuddy.comwindow.init()
“Navigating the “Triple O” Intersection:
Oral Pathology 360- YouTube ChannelA Discussion on Interdisciplinary Teamwork Live Discussion; Hosted By: Dr. Mandana Donoghue Guests: Dr. Shesha Prasad (Oral & Maxillofacial Medicine and Radiology) Dr. Kaushik Pai. S.H....
Dentolegal insights! Where Dentistry Meets Law
Online - Youtube ChannelBy: Dr. Manusmrati Mishra Purohit & Dr. Sanskriti Mishra "Get ready to explore the fascinating world of Dentolegal Insights, where dentistry meets law! This engaging video...
Town Hall -4
Online - Youtube ChannelWhat are we about? What is new? What is the bigger picture? And answers to any questions you have.OP 360 town hall meeting is all about...
IARC Perspective on Oral Cancer Prevention
Oral Pathology 360- YouTube ChannelTime converter at worldtimebuddy.comTime converter at worldtimebuddy.comwindow.init() About the lecture: Oral cancer is a significant health concern, ranking as the 16th most common cancer in the...
Maintenance Break
There will be no Livestream on Tuesday, 28 February 2023. Dear Community, Please note - we will take a week off from other activities to initiate...
Oral Medicine Specialist & Oral Pathologist: are they BFFs???
Oral Pathology 360- YouTube ChannelAbout the lecture: Get ready for a deep dive into the world of oral medicine and pathology! This video explores the relationship between Oral Medicine Specialists...
Town hall – 5
Oral Pathology 360- YouTube ChannelWhat are we about? What is new? What is the bigger picture? And answers to any questions you have.OP 360 town hall meeting is all about...
Oral Submucous Fibrosis- A primer
Oral Pathology 360- YouTube ChannelFind everything you need to know about Oral Submucous fibrosis in this recorded lecture by Dr K. Rangnathan Time converter at worldtimebuddy.comTime converter at worldtimebuddy.comwindow.init() In...