Puzzle 11- First Solvers
Diseases of the head and neck by Dr Mandana Donoghue
“Get ready for a fun and learning experience with this week’s word search puzzle! This week is a general collection of words relating to head and neck diseases. You will have the opportunity to learn and expand your knowledge, and you’ll also have the chance to showcase your skills and get recognition for your hard work.
We’re excited to announce that next week’s puzzle will acknowledge the first five solvers to find the words. So, if you’re up for the challenge, grab a pen/screen and get ready to test your observation power. Don’t forget to share your progress and compete with your friends!
Happy solving and good luck!”
Solution Next Week
Instructions for Solving the crossword online:
- Click a cell on the crossword grid, or click a clue
- Click twice on a cell to toggle between across and down
- The active cell is highlighted in blue
- Start typing in the word
- Hit enter when you are done typing in the word
- When you get it right, the word will turn green and be ticked as right in the clues.
- If the word turns red -you got it wrong (keep trying)
- You can use the tab and shift-tab keys to move around the crossword.
Instructions for Solving the crossword offline:
- Click on the three horizontal lines below the puzzle to open the options and Hit print
Puzzle 12- Diseases of the head and neck by Dr Mandana Donoghue
Meet the challenge
Be among the first 5 to find the words and get recognized for your hard work and knowledge.
The solution to the word puzzle – 11
Syndromes affecting the head and neck by Dr Sruti Murali
Puzzle – 11 Clues
6. Cleft palate with Trisomy of chromosome 13
9. Micrognathia & glossoptosis as part of a classic triad
10. Aggressive periodontitis with Palmoplantar keratosis
11. Maxillary osteoma in a patient with colorectal polyps
12. Scrotal tongue with facial paralysis
1. Aggressive periodontitis with oculocutaneous albinism
2. Mandibulofacial dysostosis with TCOF1 mutation
3. Cleft lip with lower lip pits
4. Steinberg sign in a patient with narrow gnathic arches and frontal bossing
5. Hemifacial atrophy
7. Gorlin sign in a patient with joint hypermobility
8. Multiple odontogenic keratocysts and basal cell carcinomas